
2022-04-01 861





















The pandemic and resulting upheaval of the workplace have shone a bright spotlight on organizational experiences we’ve too long written off as mere annoyances or ineffective management. But as it turns out, their consequences can be more damaging than we understood. The mass exodus from our workplaces is, in part, a proclamation that people can’t — and won’t — tolerate mistreatment, injustice, and incompetence from their leaders anymore, particularly at the expense of their dignity and values.

Organizational conditions that give rise to moral injury violate our sense of justice, which according to some social science theories is hardwired into our brains. This means that perceptions of justice (or injustice) in the workplace have profound effects on employees. Ron’s research on organizational justice bears this out. When people feel subjected to unfair or undignified conditions, they’re four times more likely to act with self-interest and dishonesty.

While moral injury is not the same as PTSD, both can be understood as psychological trauma with biological markers and consequences. PTSD is associated with a threat to our mortality and damages our sense of safety; moral injury wounds our morality and our sense of trust. There is growing evidence that social and emotional experiences have physiological consequences. Social pain is processed in the same brain regions as physical pain, according to MRI studies, and in most languages people use the same words to describe social pain as they do physical pain.

Moral injury has been shown to lead to lasting psychological, physical, spiritual, behavioral, and social harm. Psychological reactions include feelings of grief, anger, anxiety, guilt, shame, or disgust. Some individuals may experience a spiritual or existential crisis or even become physically ill. And, as was the case with Brian, disillusionment resulting from moral injury at work may prompt resignation and resentment.

To be clear, we’re not advocating for leaders to walk on eggshells, vigilantly scrutinizing everything they say in order to coddle people. And yes, sometimes facing difficult circumstances requires that empathy and grace go both ways when bosses aren’t at their best. But as this new world of work unfolds before us and the pact between employee and employer gets rewritten, leaders have to learn and evolve to keep pace. Here are a few things you can do to ensure your actions aren’t unintentionally injuring the moral center of those you lead.

Don’t hide hypocrisy under a cloak of fairness.

As is the case with many social experiences, fairness ultimately resides in the eye of the beholder. Set aside time to have a conversation with your team about what they perceive to be fair and unfair. And most importantly, make sure you’re living by the same rules you ask others to.

For example, let’s say that to demonstrate commitment to your company’s diversity and inclusion efforts, you announce that you aim to have a diverse slate of candidates for an open position and that your team will participate in inclusion training together. Because you’ve made this public, you feel you’ve been fair to everyone. But when the person on your team who’d hoped to be promoted into the position complains to you privately, you tell them, “Don’t worry, they won’t be able to find a suitable candidate and then I’ll be able to give you the job. Then at least I can say I tried.” Without realizing it, you’ve made them feel ashamed, not proud, of the way they’ll get promoted. Then, when the day of the training arrives, you “suddenly” have an urgent meeting and can’t attend, but later play the victim to your team: “They ask us to commit to this training and then pull us out at the last minute.”

Make sure you’re setting the example of fairness and keeping the commitments you’re asking others to make. This will prevent your team from feeling a sense of compromise, outrage, and resentment, and exposing the hypocrisy you worked so hard to conceal.

Know the values by which others are assessing your actions.

Moral injuries are often the result of a misalignment between values and actions — others’ values and your actions. While you can’t accommodate everyone’s preferences on all your decisions, you can avoid having the inevitable disappointments you’ll sometimes need to cause turn into moral injury.

For example, one executive Ron coached, Elaine,* was in a similar predicament to Brian and needed to move up the schedule on a project by more than a week to meet a customer’s deadline. She knew this was going to conflict with two team members’ previous personal commitments — a wedding and a planned vacation — and she knew that two of her quality assurance people would fear compromising the very quality standards they were charged to protect. The executive acknowledged these conflicts when she announced the change and openly affirmed the values of those it was impacting: values of putting family first and doing quality work, which she herself had publicly espoused. Then, she engaged the team in a problem-solving conversation on how to meet the deadline without sacrificing quality or personal commitments. The avoidance of putting others in the moral bind of compromising core values averted a potential moral injury.